I found myself on Rt 2 earlier this afternoon and, as I was driving towards town, the thought came to me that I could go to Len’s house and wave through the window, just like I saw in the image projected this morning during our virtual church experience. So I did! 

That was quite enough in itself to make my day and put a true smile on my face. BUT when I got there (but GOD!), I saw Melva and Harry driving up to Len’s and Melva getting out of the car with a Big Sign in her hand that read “Love You”.
I greeted her and said that it looked to me like we had a divine appointment!. She asked me to ring the bell, while she held the sign up to Len’s bay window. We all waved to each other and even blew kisses to each other. It was a precious one-of-a-kind moment. 
I not only had a chance to see Len, who I usually see at his home every week, but I also had a chance to see his broad contagious smile once again. I could tell he was pleased. And I too was pleased that I listened and obeyed that still small voice.      -Donna