
Share your gifts with others!

Volunteer Opportunities at Brunswick Church

Audio / Visual – Looking for camera, sound, and video people willing to learn how to serve during live streaming services. Contact Joe Fritz

Brunswick Cares Food Pantry – “The mission of Brunswick Cares Community Food Pantry is to provide supplemental food assistance to individuals and families in need in the Brunswick community and neighborhoods surrounding the church campus.” The Food Pantry is open Tuesday 5-7pm and Saturday 9-11am. Volunteers are asked to arrive 30-45 minutes before opening to set-up and can depart after clean-up (15-20 minutes). Volunteers serve as Intake Specialists, Runners, or Order Fillers. On-site training will be provided. Please go to https://brunswickcares.org/contact/ to contact Brunswick Cares Food Pantry.

Buildings & Grounds & Custodial – Anyone and everyone is welcome, any and all skill levels are welcomed. Inside and outside activities are available inlcluding landscaping, snow shoveling, repairs, painting, etc.  Please contact Will Asher at willfasher@gmail.com or Marty Hoyt at mjhoyt59@gmail.com if you are interested in being part of this team

Children’s Ministry – Make calls, teach children online about Jesus, etc. and learn more yourself. Contact children@brunswickchurch.org

Communications Team – The Communications Team is currently working to facilitate clear and effective communication with the congregation and the community. We could use people with skills such as social media networking, photography, writing, graphic design, etc.  If you are interested in joining the Communications Team, please contact Kevin Ware at kevin@brunswickchurch.org

Deacon volunteers – Always looking for more volunteers to help serve people and communities in need through projects such as the Thanksgiving meals, Christmas clothing gifts, etc. Contact deacons@brunswickchurch.org

Missions Team – The team has two primary purposes.  At a logistics level, we try to discern God’s will to direct a given percentage of our church’s tithes and offerings to those who have dedicated their professional lives to God’s work and must raise their salaries through donations.  More importantly we aspire to develop a strong two-way partnership with any person or group whom we financially support. This could be through regular communication, mutual education, shared events, or trips.  As a growth goal, the team is striving to improve at providing and encouraging opportunities for people in our church community to engage in all levels of outreach.  Anyone wanting to join our team should have a heart for giving and a passion for spreading God’s Word and Christ’s work both here and abroad.  Interested folks can reach out to missions@brunswickchurch.org  

Resource Management – The mission of the Resource Management Team (RMT) is to ensure the faithful management of the resources that God has entrusted to our congregation, to assist other ministry teams in their financial planning and to promote a culture of generosity in our church family. The Team could particularly use people with financial knowledge or background. RMT is open to new members; people are selected, not elected, to membership on RMT. 

Small Groups – Join an online small group and grow. Then… learn to lead one! See the small groups page on this website.

Welcoming – Plan how to make our church a welcoming and safe place when we are back in person. Contact volunteer@brunswickchurch.org

Worship Committee – Help envision, plan, and assess various aspects of worship as we seek to glorify God. Contact   worship@brunswickchurch.org

Youth group – We needs adults to be meaningful Christian influences in the life of teens online. Contact youth@brunswickchurch.org


This series of 10 videos gives you a quick view of how and why some of the members of our church do what they do. Perhaps it will inspire you to use your God-given gifts to serve the community.

Thanks to Tamara Hansen for setting up these short interviews and for all of the other volunteers in the church it represents.

This is a 10-video playlist on YouTube

An important part of our walk with Christ is a life of serving others.

Micah 6:8 says “He has shown all you people what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Brunswick is a community committed to serving others… from Brunswick, to Rensselaer County, to Albany, Louisiana, Bangladesh, Africa, and the ends of the Earth …

If you are looking for a place to plug in and share your time and gifts,  email info@brunswickchurch.org

If you are not sure who to contact, email office@brunswickchurch.org and we will get you to the right person.

Verse of the day:
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.