The mission field is all around us. We seek to be a multicultural, multigenerational congregation with growing influence for Jesus Christ in the town of Brunswick, Rensselaer County, across the Capital Region, and around the world.
The Missions Team directly supports 12 mission partners in 8 countries, as well as many others through our denomination. We encourage relationships with our partners and are blessed by numerous visits throughout the year.
We also strive to be a local congregation with a heart for our own community – sharing not just our resources, but also our very lives.
Having a heart for mission means that Brunswick is both a sending and receiving church —willing to send leadership and receive leadership from our mission partners. Mission is a two-way street — we often receive and learn much more than we give and teach.

If you would like to know more, email missions@brunswickchurch.org.
Some of the Missionaries and Ministries We Support

Christian Motorcycle Association
Evangelistic outreach primarily, but not exclusively, to the motorcycling community. CMA partners with three other ministries (Jesus Film Project, Missionary Ventures, and Open Doors) to spread the Gospel around the world.

The Gideons
The Gideons are a body of believers dedicated to making the Word of God available to everyone and, together with the local church, reaching souls for Christ. https://www.gideons.org/

Aaron & Holly Hicks (Serge, in Spain)

George & Ginny Olson (Philippines)

The Fosters (Cru)

Michael & Heather (Mercy Ships)
Serving on hospital ships to provide free lifesaving surgeries for people where medical care is nearly non-existent

Paul Kulp (IVCF)
Utilizing technology to further the InterVarsity vision: To see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed

Niki Campbell (IVCF)

Children’s Orphanage (Bangladesh)

RCA (Rensselaer Christian Association)
Rensselaer Christian Association is a chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship serving Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and other nearby institutions. They are dedicated to sharing the gospel on our campus and to establishing Christian community.
Jonathan and Sarah (Kinetix Global)
(Information withheld due to sensitive working areas)

Stuart and Peggy Milliken (GlobalGrace Fellowship)
The Milliken worked in East Asia for 30 years teaching in universities, and working in the areas of language development, literacy and Bible translation for an ethnic minority. They trust that He will use what they have done there for His purposes and His glory. They are now based in the US, and will continue to serve Him as Bible translation consultants. There is a critical need for such consultants in many languages throughout the world.

The McFates (International Accelerated Missions)

Brunswick Cares Food Pantry
Hosted in our building, this community service provides food and care to those in need in our area in cooperation with the Regional Food Bank. https://www.brunswickcares.org

Deacons – Community Outreach
Caring deeply for our community when needs of many kinds arise

Pastoral Care Outreach
Visiting those in need at home or the hospital

Prayer Community
This email-based group prays for prayer concerns and praises from the community and the world

Deacons – Thanksgiving Meals Ministry
Providing complete meals to 100+ families for Thanksgiving

Deacons – Christmas gift ministry
Providing Christmas clothing gifts to many in need

Brunswick Church Deacons serve with Troy Area United Ministries
Providing free meals and other services in downtown Troy