This week we have to opportunity to participate in worship led by our Surrender youth worship team on Thursday and a return to our sermon series inspired by the scriptures that the children will be studying during VBS on Sunday. This week’s prayer is from the famous author, Anonymous, in times of fear and doubt:
Lord, You are a good Father. Your love and care is endless. You care more about my well-being than even I do, no matter how much I worry over it. And you are all powerful – able to protect me completely and fully from anything that might arise. Lord, I confess I forget these truths. I confess I am prone to believe that I am alone and without any protection. Lord, I know that this is a lie I tell myself, and it only works me up into worry and fear. I repent of that worry and fear now… ultimately, I know it stems from not trusting in Your goodness toward me. Help me believe and live out of the truth that you are always close, always protecting me, always watching over every step of my life. Thank you, Lord, for your great love for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thursday, June 20
Surrender Worship Service
Our Heavenly Father
Isaiah 64:8
Sunday, June 23
Psalm 23:4
June 27 & 30
Life’s Transitions
Acts 7:55-60
Sermon from June 16 Surrender
Our Heavenly Father – Isaiah 64:8
Surrender Worship Team Preaching |
On Friday morning, seven of our TLC children will be graduating from the 4-year-old program, anticipating the start of Kindergarten in the fall. The theme for the ceremony is Lion King! The boys and girls have been practicing songs from the Disney favorite under the tutelage of teachers Kelsey Riley and Mallory West. Let’s keep these children, their families and their teachers (who will miss them very much!) in our prayers. The program is led by Director Valerie McMahon.
Session met Tuesday 6/11/19
Session met in the month of June and here are some highlights of that meeting.
- Look for some improvements some visible, some not
- Steeple repair
- New flooring in nursery and old section of the church
- Painting of sanctuary
- During the months of July and August children will be welcomed into our worship service. So, look and listen for small helping hands and the patter of little feet!
- Please continue to pray for the associate pastor committee as the search continues. May the Lord lead the right person to our church.
We give thanks and praise for all of those who support and help make Brunswick Church a place of spiritual growth and community outreach.
Concerns and questions? Session can be reached by emailing |
We Need Your Input
Our Parish Associate Ted Wright has received inquiries about the cancer support group we’ve been promoting in recent BEBs. It is held monthly in Schaghticoke. He’s been asked if he is going to start one here at Brunswick Church. The link below will take you to a very brief 3-question survey to help us assess the interest in such a ministry on our campus. You may also contact Ted directly at
If we proceed to form such a group, it’s important to note that the group would be available to patients, caregivers, survivors, family and friends. It would serve anyone impacted by any type of cancer. The goal of such a group would be to offer a place to share experiences, insights, problems and to provide encouragement that is so important for this journey. If this is something that you would like to be a part of, please take this survey. Thank you.
As the summer approaches, we are facing a season where volunteers to Brunswick Church are traveling more frequently than normal. We are in need of some people to help in the Childcare rooms at 8:30am and 11am on Sundays. There are teens who are willing to assist, but they need an adult in the room with them. It involves showing up 15 minutes before the service starts, greeting the parents, and then playing with the children (2 years and younger) until their parents pick them up. If you are interested, we need help as soon as possible. Please let Niki know by emailing her at
Mark your calendars…click below for the link to our webpage and Vacation Bible School registration!
Additional Groups being planned
to follow this 4-week run
We are halfway through our first 4-week study, and we’ve been encouraged by the response of those who have attended. We are studying the scripture texts for the coming week’s sermon, and we are teaching a method that helps us understand and learn to read scripture critically.
Monday: 7 PM time in the downstairs Community Room; Bob Clarke, facilitator
Wednesday: 6:30 PM in the downstairs Community Room; our summer intern, Dan McAuley, facilitator
Please consider coming to one of these studies. For more information feel free to email Niki Campbell, Director of Nurture Ministries at, or the study leaders themselves. Dan at or Bob at
All are welcome at either study!
There have been some questions raised about what Pastor Ted’s role is and what being a parish associate is all about. So here is a short FAQ in response. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask Henry or Ted.
Q: What is a Parish Associate?
A: Our constitution says that: A parish associate is a teaching elder (clergyperson) who serves in a validated ministry other than the local parish, or is a member-at-large, or is retired, but who wishes to maintain a relationship with a particular church or churches in keeping with ordination to the ministry of teaching elder. Such persons, already qualified as continuing members of presbytery, may serve as parish associates. The relation shall be established, upon nomination by the pastor, between the parish associate, the session, and the presbytery. The parish associate shall be responsible to the pastor, as head of staff, on an “as needed, as available” basis.
Q: Is Pastor Ted the next associate pastor?
A: No. As a Parish Associate, he is not eligible to be the next installed pastor or associate pastor. Besides, he is officially retired and likes that status.
Q: So, what is Pastor Ted’s role?
A: His role is to help Henry until the congregation can call a new associate pastor. At that time, we will reevaluate Pastor Ted’s relationship with our congregation. The areas in which he will be helping will be to provide pastoral care, communion, occasionally preaching, Christian education, and other areas as Henry directs and Ted is available.
Movement Being Made on New Sign
Brunswick’s wonderful Building and Grounds Team is working hard toward getting a digital sign installed. Until that happens, we need to change the wording on the sign we now have, and that has to be done manually! We’d like to have coverage through July. We need volunteers to join the ranks.
If you’d be willing to sign up for a turn to change the sign you can do so at
This is the same online scheduling program that the pantry uses, and it works well. OR, you can email your choice of the week, send to Gail Swota at, and we’ll get you onto the schedule!