VBS 2020 – Discover! God’s World – will be online, July 6th – 31st, Monday-Friday.

Mondays through Wednesdays will have online VBS videos and Thursday / Friday will have live online hangout time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is “VBS”?
A. VBS stands for Vacation Bible School – this year it is an online experience designed to teach children more about the love and power of God in our amazing world. We will learn from the Bible about making the world a better place, loving each other, Jesus’ sacrifice for us, and what we can do when life gets hard and confusing.  This will include music, story time, crafts, action games, discovery, and missions.

Q. When is Brunswick Church’s VBS this year (2020)?
A. VBS will be starting July 6th, running for the whole month of July. There will be an hour-long video each day Monday-Wednesday. You can watch it anytime you would like. There will also be an optional online hangout time you can sign up for on Thursdays or Fridays.

Q. Where is VBS happening this year?
A. At YOUR house! Online! 

Q. Who can participate?
A. Anyone – although VBS is especially recommended for kids grades K-5.   Adults and youth can help make it all happen!

Q. How do I register?
A. To register, fill out THIS FORM

Q. Will there be music, crafts, songs, Bible stories, opportunities to be a part of making the world a better place, and super-fun games?
A. YES! 

Q. I have another question
A. Contact the church for more info:   niki@brunswickchurch.org  (or 518-279-3792 (only available during limited hours))

Verse of the day:
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.