Ted Wright
Parish Associate
After brief stints in Williamstown, Kingston, and Syracuse, I landed in Bethesda, MD and remained all through the Sixties. During college, my parents, sister and brother moved to Villanova PA. We joined the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. I served there in youth ministry and was eventually ordained.
From 1978 through 1982 I served as pastor in Schaghticoke a full-time situation. We loved the church and community, both. Our children were born here. We had wonderful friendships. We might have stayed longer, but it was proving quite difficult to raise toddlers and conduct church business all in the manse. At presbytery level I was leading youth-ministry trips: Mission at the Eastward, Triennium, etc.
I served 23 years as pastor / head of staff in Langhorne PA, between Philly & Trenton. One night God called – literally, unexpectedly – for Sue and me to enter mission service. So we became PC(USA) regional liaisons working in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique. But when my parents were dying, we accepted a call to a large, diverse congregation near D.C. There I dealt with many of the dynamics described by Tod Bolsinger in “Canoeing the Mountains.”
Now in retirement, back in the capital region, I’m available to God and the presbytery as needed. In these early days, I’ve enjoyed connecting with pastors and neighbors. I’m re-reading the New Testament in Greek. God doesn’t waste an experience, so I’m sure that doors will open in time.
Hobbies: Hiking, tennis, reading, cross-country skiing, fly-fishing, and watching baseball. I don’t do social media; face-to-face is better for me. But admittedly, I count on my wife to maintain our connections over the Net.