Creative Faith

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”   John 1:5


Twinkling lights and candles everywhere serve as a beautiful reminder that Jesus is the light of the world, come to dispel the darkness. This theme of light led to the creation of the first Advent wreath centuries ago in Lutheran Germany, and it has since become a cherished tradition in many homes and churches. The Advent wreath is typically an evergreen circle with four candles, one of which is lit on each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas.


In many churches, the Advent wreath is lit at the start of the weekly service, accompanied by a reading from the Bible for that Sunday of Advent. Many families also make it a tradition to create their own Advent wreath each year, setting aside a special time each week to light the candles and read the corresponding scriptures. This practice helps remind families, especially children, that the heart of the Christmas season is the celebration of Jesus. What makes this tradition even more meaningful is its flexibility — it can be adapted to fit the unique needs and preferences of your family.


Join us on December 8 after Worship, to make an Advent Candle Board.


This year at Brunswick Church on the second Sunday of Advent, December 8th, we will make an Advent Board. Using the slate from the roof of the original Church building as a base, we will add 4 candles and embellishments to make it unique. 

What is an Advent Devotional?

An Advent devotional is a resource that helps people reflect on the meaning of Christmas and prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ. Advent devotionals can be in the form of booklets, or online resources. 

Explore these links to different Advent devotionals and choose the one that best suits you.

Printed samples are  available on the Advent Resources table in the Commons.

Kate Bowler has created a devotional with options for people to use solo, with a group, or in a more formal Bible study or Sunday school setting.

Kate Bowler Online Devotional – The Weary World Rejoices

An Advent Encounter is designed for tweens through adults, but we recommend that parents review each day’s Scriptures and reflections to ensure they are suitable for  your family.

Advent Encounter

These Advent printable Christmas scripture cards with 25 Bible readings, reflections and response prompts are great for families. They encourage conversation and action! You can purchase the download on Etsy for a few dollars and print them at home.

And for young children, listen together each Sunday to the story of Jesus’ birth using the “A Night Like No Other”  book read aloud on video: