E-Bulletin of Brunswick Church October 30, 2019
This Sunday is a special day in the life of the church. Come join us as we meet the pastoral candidate for our associate pastor position. Please pray with us:
O God, who hast ordained that whatever is to be desired should be sought by labor, and who by thy blessing bringest honest labor to good effect, look with mercy upon my studies and endeavors. Grant me, O Lord, to design only what is lawful and right; and afford me calmness of mind and steadiness of purpose, that I may so do thy will in this short life, as to obtain happiness in the world to come, for the sake of Jesus Christ,
our Lord. Amen. (Samuel Johnson, 1764)
Nov 3
So I Send You
Genesis 12:1-9
John 20:19-22
Nov 7-10
A House of Grace
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Sermon from October 27
Luke 5:33-39
The Freedom
Preacher Pastor Henry Kim
Heads up, everyone: the first Friday in November will be … Nov. 1st!
That same evening at 7:00, the Cancer Support ministry will meet in the old-building lobby.
The experience of cancer cuts across many lines — emotional, social, familial, and spiritual. We acknowledge this. Coping and healing are more than medical processes.
This is true whether you’re a patient, caregiver, relative, or person in grief. All are welcome. Non-Christians are welcome. First-timers, doubly so.
Will this be the month that you take a big step?
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Ted
It’s not too late to join our “Bible Study Tools Class” small groups. You might have missed a session, but these small groups are designed to be modular, so you won’t be that far behind. The commitment level is only for a short time, the details are as follows:
What: Small Groups, studying the scripture text for the coming sermon
Why: To help us engage deeper in scripture in community
How Long: We will begin the week of 9/15 and go for 4-weeks. We will take a week or two off, and relaunch some more for 4 weeks.
Who should come: Anyone who would like to engage in learning more about the coming scripture that will be preached. These classes will be appropriate for anyone who has never studied scripture all the way up to people who are well versed in the Bible (see what I did there?)
How are these different than the classes already offered: While the other classes offered, also study scripture, these new small groups will be studying the same text as the coming preaching text and we will open up scripture using our powers of observation and learning to ask good questions.
Will we only study the scripture: We will use tools to help us study scripture (commentaries, atlases, etc) but we will also have times of fellowship. So it’s not all study, but some fun and perhaps…food….
What if I miss one on a day, can I go to another one on a different day: Yes
The small groups for this first session are as follows:
Mondays (beginning 10/28) – 7-9 PM
Led by Joe Fritz & Matt Clark
Hosted by Joe, 645 1st Ave., Lansingburgh
Tuesday (beginning 10/29) – 1-2:30 PM
Lead by Ted Wright
Located in the Community Room at Brunswick Church
Wednesday (beginning 10/30) – 6-7:45
Lead by Ted Wright
Located in the Infant Nursery Room at Brunswick Church (no food or shoes in the room, please)
Thursdays (beginning 11/7 – Not 10/31) – 6:30
Lead by Bob & Holly Clarke
Hosted by the Clarkes: 18 Prout Ave., Troy
Prayer shawl knitting has resumed. Please join us on Thursday 12:30-2:30, October 24 in the lobby if you knit or crochet. We meet every other Thursday and have yarn and patterns to get you started.
If you can read this and like children, you can make a difference today. Our best investment for the future of Christianity in this world are our children. Like any good long term investment, we need to begin early and put in resources often. Would you like to make that investment in our next generation of great disciples today. Ask Niki how you can change the world through a child today. Step up to the adventure.
Thank you to all the volunteers who help make a damp Trunk or Treat great. We had over two hundred working and visiting the church Sunday. If you missed this year, don’t worry we are already planning next year’s event.
Snow Removal Team
Weekend safety around our church during snowy weather has been handled by volunteers who are assigned weekends. The more the merrier (and lighten the load), we invite new folks to join us. We welcome anyone who feels comfortable running a snow blower and shovel. Serve your worshiping community by making sure our paths are safe and our facility is accessible when the snow flies. If you are interested in helping our or would like more information, contact Tim Maki at maki.tj@gmail.com or Roy Krasse at roy@brunswickchurch.org or call 518-279-3792.
Fall Mission Night!
Every Fall our Wednesday night programming does a mission night. For the past several years we have packed shoe boxes through Operation Christmas Child. This year, we are looking to try something a little different. We will be assembling Hygiene Kits for children and families around the world. There are a growing number of displaced people around the globe. Displaced usually by no fault of their own due to war, political unrest or natural disasters. This is a practical way for the children and youth of our Wednesday night programs to learn how to pray for and help children in those situations. We will be working through Church World Services to assemble kits that will distributed domestically and abroad as needed. In the Commons we will have containers where we will be collecting the following items:
Hand Towels
Wide-tooth combs
fingernail/toe nail clippers
Bars of soap (in wrappers)
Toothbrushes (in their package)
Band aids
Gallon zip-close bags
Please help us collect these items and join us for our missions night on October 30th 6-8 PM. Children and Youth will be learning about the global impact they can make through a simple gesture of helping prepare kits like this. This will be especially helpful for many of the children who have been asking what we can do about the kids who have been effected by recent hurricanes and tropical storms. Teaching them to pray while doing practical gestures like this will be impactful for them.
Giving for the week of
October 20, 2019
Giving this week……………………………..$ 6,050
Weekly need…………………………………….$ 15,000
YTD Giving…………………………………….$594,850
YTD Need……………………………………….$640,000
Thanks be to God for a blessed offering this week!
From our counters: If you are using an envelope, please write your number (even better – also include your name!) on the envelope. We appreciate this, especially with cash donations. If you are writing a check, we ask that you also include the number on the memo line. These small steps help to ensure accurate recording.
Online giving can help support your intentions to maintain your commitment to serve others in our giving, even when life gets busy! Click here to learn more!
Important information for those who choose to give online. The system only allows donations to be set up for a specific period of time. Please be aware that once that time ends the donations will stop without notification. Some of our members have found that their tithing ended without their knowing. It is important to always review your scheduled donations and update the information with any changes in bank or credit card information. If you have any questions, contact Bob Schmidt at business@brunswickchurch.org.