E-Bulletin of Brunswick Church – November 6, 2019 |
This week we begin a process of preparing for Consecration Sunday with the idea of building a House of God. We look at what it means to be living in Grace and with an attitude of Grace, and why Grace is more than simple forgiveness. Please pray with me: Help me, O God, because, like all the children of men. I need your daily grace. Yesterday’s blessings can encourage but will not take care of the burdens of today. May I know Thee as the Shepherd of my life and eternal soul. May my fears be dissolved by faith in Thee and through the power of Thy love. Help me to love and manifest the spirit of love under all circumstances to all people. May my life he a glory to Thyself, a help to my fellow-man and rewarding to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Nov 7-10 A House of Grace 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 Nov 14-17 The “T” Word Exodus 16:1-18 Malachi 3:10 Sermon from Nov. 3 So I Send You Genesis 12.1-9; John 20.19-22 Thank you to all of those who attended the Congregational meeting and affirmed the APNC’s recommendation of calling Kim Jackson into our leadership! It is a joy to have her joining us and we look forward to her start in January. The vote was overwhelmingly in Kim’s favor, but not unanimous. People who register a negative vote for a candidating pastor are frequently expressing frustration with the process, the current leadership including Session, or the current state of the church in general. If Session has already heard your concerns please know that we truly are working diligently to address many of the concerns you have shared. If we have not heard from you, please feel free to email us at Session@brunswickchurch.org (Henry is not copied on that email address), or better yet, to speak with one of us in person. We are all in this together as members of one faithful congregation trying to follow God’s lead. Please help us to work together in unity by sharing your concerns our your encouragement with us. The first opportunity we want to set up to listen to you will happen on November 17 at 10 a.m. in the lower commons between the two worship service. There will be elders and representatives from the APNC to answer questions and listen to your concerns. Starting next Sunday, November 10 at 10 a.m. in the lower commons you get the chance to talk to and ask questions to the preacher that week. Nov. 10 will be an introductory session where I will talk about the first sermon in our Stewardship series. Everyone is welcome to come and ask questions about the sermon. The idea for this service came out of discussions at some of our small groups. During the small group bible studies, one of the questions that has been asked is, “What is the preacher going to preach on from this text?” and a natural follow up is “Why?” So, if you are wondering why that particular emphasis was chosen or anything else about the sermon, this is your chance. Hope to see you there. After the Nov. 10 session, our next meetings will be December 1, 8, 15, and 22. If you can read this and like children, you can make a difference today. Our best investment for the future of Christianity in this world are our children. Like any good long term investment, we need to begin early and put in resources often. Would you like to make that investment in our next generation of great disciples today. Ask Niki how you can change the world through a child today. Step up to the adventure. Some folks at and after the meeting were asking about Pastor Kim’s statement of faith. It is available here at this link. Snow Removal Team Weekend safety around our church during snowy weather has been handled by volunteers who are assigned weekends. The more the merrier (and lighten the load), we invite new folks to join us. We welcome anyone who feels comfortable running a snow blower and shovel. Serve your worshiping community by making sure our paths are safe and our facility is accessible when the snow flies. If you are interested in helping our or would like more information, contact Tim Maki or Roy Krasse |