Pentecost Everyday

E-Bulletin of Brunswick Church                        May 8, 2019

Do you feel down and powerless? I know that at times I do, but that is when I have to turn to prayer and ask for the power that Jesus send his followers on the day they were huddled in a locked room so many years ago. If I want my days to be filled with power and purpose, I need to allow the Holy Spirit to flow out of me. I need the Holy Spirit to overwhelm my very being and power my life. Le’t pray for that today:  

Dear God,
We thank you that you indeed are powerful and loving, that out of your glorious riches you strengthen us through your Spirit in our inner being. We ask you for the fresh filling of your Holy Spirit, we ask for your power and love to fill us. We thank you that as believers we know that Christ dwells richly within our hearts through faith. We pray that you would strengthen our roots and establish our lives firmly in your love.
When the world shouts hate, help us to love. When the past won’t let go, help us to love. When the enemy taunts with lies and surrounds with darkness, help us to love. When a relationship feels broken or we’re betrayed or rejected, help us to love.
Help us to love, and to keep on loving. By the power of your Spirit.
Even when it seems impossible.
Even when it doesn’t make sense.
May our lives be filled with your goodness and power, today and every day, as we walk in your Spirit of love.
In Jesus’ Name,
(by Debbie McDaniel)

May 9 & 12
Pentecost Everyday
Acts 2:1-13

May 16 & 19
The Gospel
Acts 2:42-47

Sermon from May 5
The Leadership Question – Acts 1:20-26
Preacher Pastor Henry Kim

Mark your calendars…click below for the link to our webpage and Vacation Bible School registration!

Could It Be A Sign? 


Brunswick’s wonderful Building and Grounds Team is working hard toward getting a digital sign installed.  Until that happens, we need to change the wording on the sign we now have, and that has to be done manually!  We’d like to have coverage through July. We need volunteers to join the ranks.
If you’d be willing to sign up for a turn to change the sign you can do so at

This is the same online scheduling program that the pantry uses, and it works well.  OR, you can email your choice of the week, send to Gail Swota at, and we’ll get you onto the schedule! 

Congregational Meeting Outcome

On Sunday, May 5, we held a congregational meeting to discuss and vote on a change to the call for our assistant pastor position. The change was approved and that will move the position from temporary to a more permanent opportunity. The hope is that this change will make the position more appealing and open the pool of candidates to those who may have hesitated to move, for example, for a position that may only last 2 or 3 years. At the meeting, a request was made to make the position description and description of our congregation available. The link below will take you to that document. Please note that the change from temporary to permanent is not yet reflected in the job description, but the rest of the information should be accurate. If you have any questions, please email them to the PNC team at


Giving for the week of
May 5, 2019


Giving this week……………………………..$ 18,150
YTD Giving…………………………………….$279,150

Thanks be to God for a blessed offering this week!

From our counters:  If you are using an envelope, please write your number (even better – also include your name!) on the envelope. We appreciate this, especially with cash donations. If you are writing a check, we ask that you also include the number on the memo line. These small steps help to ensure accurate recording.

Online giving can help support your intentions to maintain your commitment to serve others in our giving, even when life gets busy! Click here to learn more!

Important information for those who choose to give online. The system only allows donations to be set up for a specific period of time. Please be aware that once that time ends the donations will stop without notification. Some of our members have found that their tithing ended without their knowing. It is important to always review your scheduled donations and update the information with any changes in bank or credit card information. If you have any questions, contact Bob Schmidt at

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