A Servant King

E-Bulletin of Brunswick Church                        April 10, 2019

Come join us as we kick of one of my favorite times of year, Holy Week, with Palm Sunday. God sent his only son, so that we might live with him forever, and this week we look at the final steps of that journey to our redemption and salvation. Please prayer with me:

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who sets the solitary person in the comfort of families; I commend to your continual care the homes in which your people dwell. Put far from them, I beseech you, every root of bitterness, the desire of boastful vanity, and the pride of life. Fill them with faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness.
Knit together in constant affection those who, in holy wedlock, have been made one flesh; turn the heart of the parents to the children, and the heart of the children to the parents; and fill us all with true love and charity, so that we put aside petty differences and act with kind affection and the sympathy of brotherly love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Holy Week Begins

April 11th & 14th
Palm Sunday
A Servant King
Luke 19:28-40
John 13:1-17

Holy Week Event…click below to register

Featuring Pastor Henry Kim preaching
and the music of Beulah Land!

Sermon from April 4 & 7
Following in the Dust of the Master – Matthew 4:18-22
A Dangerous Man and God
Preacher Pastor Henry Kim

Welcome to Our Spring/Summer Intern

Meet Dan McAuley

I spent most of my life in Upstate New York.  I was born in Florida and spent a few years there and in Illinois before my family moved to Troy where my dad has been a pastor at Third Presbyterian Church for the past 16 years.   I went to Troy High and enjoyed living in the capital district and had even been to Brunswick church a few times growing up for some different events. 

I went to the University of Rochester where I studied microbiology.  While I was there, I had the chance to grow a lot in my faith being away from home and have my first tastes in ministry as I was a part of some student lead ministries on campus.

As I approached graduation, I realized that God was leading me towards vocational ministry and though I enjoyed the classes I took in biology that wasn’t where God was leading me.

After graduation, I accepted a two-year position with a missions agency in East Africa.  My team in East Africa had the goal of discipling new believers and helping the small community of believers reach out to their neighbors and to begin worshiping together.  I was incredibly thankful for the opportunity to serve God in East Africa but I knew that it wasn’t a long term stop for me.  I learned a lot about ministry and left with a love for the people there but I knew through the way God has been working in my heart that He has been leading me towards serving in the local church as a pastor. 

I’ve been accepted to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where I am excited to start my studies this Fall.  I am also looking forward to learning and serving at Brunswick Church for the coming months and hope to be able to get more experience in the ministry God is calling me to and to find all the ways that I can use my gifts here in the time that I have with you.

Upcoming Event…click below to learn more about the Backpack Program

Are you cleaning out those closets, basements, and attics? You can donate items for the cause on Thursday, 4/11 and Friday, 4/12!

Mark your calendars…click below for the link to our webpage and Vacation Bible School registration!

Giving for the week of
April 7, 2019


Giving this week……………………………..$ 21,250
Weekly budgeted need…………………….$15,000

YTD Giving…………………………………….$222,950
YTD Budgeted Need……………………….$210,000

Thanks be to God for a blessed offering this week!

From our counters:  If you are using an envelope, please write your number (even better – also include your name!) on the envelope. We appreciate this, especially with cash donations. If you are writing a check, we ask that you also include the number on the memo line. These small steps help to ensure accurate recording.

Online giving can help support your intentions to maintain your commitment to serve others in our giving, even when life gets busy! Click here to learn more!

Important information for those who choose to give online. The system only allows donations to be set up for a specific period of time. Please be aware that once that time ends the donations will stop without notification. Some of our members have found that their tithing ended without their knowing. It is important to always review your scheduled donations and update the information with any changes in bank or credit card information. If you have any questions, contact Bob Schmidt at business@brunswickchurch.org.

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